Download your FREE School Support Pack
Helping to support your child’s school experience, with guidance for teachers and information to share with pupils. Helping everyone to understand what vitiligo is.It can be overwhelming sending your child to school, into a new environment where they may be asked questions about their vitiligo and appearance. The Vitiligo Society has taken the latest information, and with the help of a number of parents and teachers, created these resources for you to download.
The Vitiligo Society School Support Pack provides information and guidance to help schools give the best possible support to your child, including:
Guidance for Teachers – helping teachers understand how to support a child with vitiligo
‘About Vitiligo’ Schools Presentation - helping explain to young people what vitiligo is
Vitiligo Reading List – lots of stories and useful books for all ages
An email Welcome Series, helping to signpost you to articles, information and services aimed at supporting parents of children with vitiligo.