New toys available for children with vitiligo
We are delighted to share that our Vitiligo Teddy Bear family is growing!
Following the success of our first vitiligo teddy, we have now released two ‘Mini Vitiligo Bears’ which are available to purchase from our online shop.
Just like our original bear, every Mini Vitiligo Bear sold helps raise money to support our work. As a registered charity our online shop represents a vital source of donations for us.

Why are Vitiligo Bears Important?
Toys help shape a child’s perspective and values so as well as raising critical funds for our charity, our Vitiligo Bear Range helps shape how children think about equality and also how they perceive themselves and their self-worth. Every child should have access to a toy that they feel represents them and their unique appearance. We have already heard so many stories from young people who have taken their bears to school and used them to help explain vitiligo to their peers and teachers.

Bears are also important for adults too – and for many of our members the bears provide a fun mascote to get families, friends and colleagues talking about vitiligo.

Where can I get a bear?
Bears are available from our online shop here: https://shop.vitiligosociety.org/
My Mini Vitiligo Bears retail at just £14.50 and the original My Vitiligo Bear at £29.50 whilst stocks last.
*Please note pictures below are not illustrative of size difference between the bears, but are to illustrate the bears at every angle.

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